Dive in!

Sometimes the best way to get work done in your allotted time is to dive right in. Don’t hold back and waste energy procrastinating. Just get on with the task at hand. As we get over the hurdle of starting we can begin to build momentum, ticking off tasks on to-do lists, and completing sets of task to accomplish our larger goals. Having a ritual that signals to your mind that the work day has begun and it is time to knuckle down is an excellent way to begin. It can be as simple as organising your desk, or sitting down with your morning coffee; before long it will become a habit and your mind will automatically be prepared to begin work once you have performed your morning ritual.

Monitor your time and monotask

Set a timer for each task. Monitor how much time you spend on each job or problem. Don’t multitask, it makes you stupid. It has been shown to lower your productive capacity by constantly shifting your focus between different tasks, never fully engaging with any single one. Although you may feel more productive multitasking, research shows that you are actually getting less done than if you focused on one task at a time. One of the keys to productivity success is to really focus on the important and urgent tasks, one at a time, leaving the busy work for later, when your creative energy is not required to solve problems. Constantly checking your emails every five minutes is not going to help you to be productive. Nor for that matter will checking social media or getting up continuously to get a drink of water. Observe how you use your time, and then cut out time absorbing bad habits.

Have a plan

Having a plan, even if it is as basic as writing a to-do list with times scheduled for each task, is an excellent way of keeping on task in the work day and maintaining productivity; it is simply the case that being organised helps you to be productive. If you have a set time to complete tasks, and an order in which they need to be completed, you will get far more done than if you run mindlessly from one undertaking to the next.

Take breaks

Allowing five minutes to recharge and recuperate will make you more productive than working continuously on a task or goal until you burn out. Going for a walk, meditating, or having a coffee break and eating a snack can all help boost your productivity, enabling you to recharge and return to a problem that was sapping your energy. Getting enough good quality sleep is important too, as your brain will be functioning on a higher level. With a fully charged mind you will be able to perform your duties with greater tenacity and solve difficult problems more swiftly. Regular breaks are vital for maintaining high productivity.

Go easy on yourself

Self-flagellation does not help you to be more productive. It is imperative to accept that every day is not going to be perfect. You will have slower days, days where the petty annoyances of life slow you down, when your sleep the previous night could have been better, and so on. Do not beat yourself up. Productivity can be measured over the week, and although we may have a down day, over the course of a work week you can complete your tasks and feel a sense of satisfaction come Friday evening. Taking the time to compose yourself, and not beating yourself up for lapses in focus, concentration and productivity will be the best way to get yourself back on track and working through your to-do list again.


Dive in!

Sometimes the best way to get work done in your allotted time is to dive right in. Don’t hold back and waste energy procrastinating. Just get on with the task at hand. As we get over the hurdle of starting we can begin to build momentum, ticking off tasks on to-do lists, and completing sets of task to accomplish our larger goals. Having a ritual that signals to your mind that the work day has begun and it is time to knuckle down is an excellent way to begin. It can be as simple as organising your desk, or sitting down with your morning coffee; before long it will become a habit and your mind will automatically be prepared to begin work once you have performed your morning ritual.

Monitor your time and monotask

Set a timer for each task. Monitor how much time you spend on each job or problem. Don’t multitask, it makes you stupid. It has been shown to lower your productive capacity by constantly shifting your focus between different tasks, never fully engaging with any single one. Although you may feel more productive multitasking, research shows that you are actually getting less done than if you focused on one task at a time. One of the keys to productivity success is to really focus on the important and urgent tasks, one at a time, leaving the busy work for later, when your creative energy is not required to solve problems. Constantly checking your emails every five minutes is not going to help you to be productive. Nor for that matter will checking social media or getting up continuously to get a drink of water. Observe how you use your time, and then cut out time absorbing bad habits.

Have a plan

Having a plan, even if it is as basic as writing a to-do list with times scheduled for each task, is an excellent way of keeping on task in the work day and maintaining productivity; it is simply the case that being organised helps you to be productive. If you have a set time to complete tasks, and an order in which they need to be completed, you will get far more done than if you run mindlessly from one undertaking to the next.

Take breaks

Allowing five minutes to recharge and recuperate will make you more productive than working continuously on a task or goal until you burn out. Going for a walk, meditating, or having a coffee break and eating a snack can all help boost your productivity, enabling you to recharge and return to a problem that was sapping your energy. Getting enough good quality sleep is important too, as your brain will be functioning on a higher level. With a fully charged mind you will be able to perform your duties with greater tenacity and solve difficult problems more swiftly. Regular breaks are vital for maintaining high productivity.

Go easy on yourself

Self-flagellation does not help you to be more productive. It is imperative to accept that every day is not going to be perfect. You will have slower days, days where the petty annoyances of life slow you down, when your sleep the previous night could have been better, and so on. Do not beat yourself up. Productivity can be measured over the week, and although we may have a down day, over the course of a work week you can complete your tasks and feel a sense of satisfaction come Friday evening. Taking the time to compose yourself, and not beating yourself up for lapses in focus, concentration and productivity will be the best way to get yourself back on track and working through your to-do list again.

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