Do you have a little one aged 2 or above? they can run around at what feels like a mile a minute, exploring the curious world around them whilst learning vital development skills for their future. It’s difficult to keep up with their boundless energy, and for us parents, it can be exhausting! We want to know that they’re entertained and being educated when at home.

We achieved this with some hearty homemade crafts that have had great results. Easy wipe teaching cards are fantastic for teaching individual letters, creating words and exercising writing skills


 All you need is:

- Paper
- Laminating Pouch 
- Dry wipe pen

I wrote out two keywords we’re currently learning which have a similar beginning but with a one-letter change at the end, becoming a new word This particular activity features an emphasis on learning pronunciation.

I drew the letters with a dot-to-dot version below, this exercises their brains motor-neurone connections to follow and connect the dots and create the letters shown above, which in-tern strengthening their muscle memory for using a pen to write.

I placed both sheets back to back so our teaching cards are multipurpose being flipped for a word on either side in one pouch. I popped this through our laminator to seal in the paper - BUT this is an optional step. If you don’t have access to a laminator you can use tape around the edges to keep the paper sealed inside. 


The pouch itself will provide a wipeable surface for hours of skill-building and can be cleaned with a quick swipe, not just pen marks but dirt too!
For writing, I suggest using a whiteboard pen for the best results; in this example, I used a wet wipe which comes up spotless - I only tend to use these at the end of the day when the teaching cards have been outside on muddy adventures. Something as simple as a piece of material will do just fine during the day.



used 150-micron pouches because it provides more flexibility and movement for the teaching cards, and trust me in the hands of a wild 4-year-old, it’ll need to be flexible! 

What I love most about these pouches is that they have the child-friendly rounded corners, I don’t need to spend time finessing with scissors for childproofing or worry about any accidents happening.


Our little one loves taking these in the garden, so when they’re running riot I’d suggest using the smaller A5 size as it is more manageable to carry around. I’ve started to use A4 pouches to attach to surfaces with sticky-tac, such as their playhouse, coat peg, and bedroom door to name a few!


Now that we’ve accumulated lots of words, I have a neat trick I use to connect multiple teaching cards. All you need is a string and something to make a hole through the pouch and paper, I used a hole punch and fed string through connect and then tie off. Now my little one can flick through our learning book and exercise practical language skills.

So they’re always learning no matter where they might be running rampage around the house which provides me with some calm moments and comfort while I’m working at home. It's a heartwarming moment when I poke my head around the corner and see my little one writing on their word cards. 



Do you have a little one aged 2 or above? they can run around at what feels like a mile a minute, exploring the curious world around them whilst learning vital development skills for their future. It’s difficult to keep up with their boundless energy, and for us parents, it can be exhausting! We want to know that they’re entertained and being educated when at home.

We achieved this with some hearty homemade crafts that have had great results. Easy wipe teaching cards are fantastic for teaching individual letters, creating words and exercising writing skills


 All you need is:

- Paper
- Laminating Pouch 
- Dry wipe pen

I wrote out two keywords we’re currently learning which have a similar beginning but with a one-letter change at the end, becoming a new word This particular activity features an emphasis on learning pronunciation.

I drew the letters with a dot-to-dot version below, this exercises their brains motor-neurone connections to follow and connect the dots and create the letters shown above, which in-tern strengthening their muscle memory for using a pen to write.

I placed both sheets back to back so our teaching cards are multipurpose being flipped for a word on either side in one pouch. I popped this through our laminator to seal in the paper - BUT this is an optional step. If you don’t have access to a laminator you can use tape around the edges to keep the paper sealed inside. 


The pouch itself will provide a wipeable surface for hours of skill-building and can be cleaned with a quick swipe, not just pen marks but dirt too!
For writing, I suggest using a whiteboard pen for the best results; in this example, I used a wet wipe which comes up spotless - I only tend to use these at the end of the day when the teaching cards have been outside on muddy adventures. Something as simple as a piece of material will do just fine during the day.



used 150-micron pouches because it provides more flexibility and movement for the teaching cards, and trust me in the hands of a wild 4-year-old, it’ll need to be flexible! 

What I love most about these pouches is that they have the child-friendly rounded corners, I don’t need to spend time finessing with scissors for childproofing or worry about any accidents happening.


Our little one loves taking these in the garden, so when they’re running riot I’d suggest using the smaller A5 size as it is more manageable to carry around. I’ve started to use A4 pouches to attach to surfaces with sticky-tac, such as their playhouse, coat peg, and bedroom door to name a few!


Now that we’ve accumulated lots of words, I have a neat trick I use to connect multiple teaching cards. All you need is a string and something to make a hole through the pouch and paper, I used a hole punch and fed string through connect and then tie off. Now my little one can flick through our learning book and exercise practical language skills.

So they’re always learning no matter where they might be running rampage around the house which provides me with some calm moments and comfort while I’m working at home. It's a heartwarming moment when I poke my head around the corner and see my little one writing on their word cards. 



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  • شركات نقل العفش
    اهم شركات كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام كذلك معرض اهم شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام والخبر والجبيل والخبر والاحساء والقطيف كذكل شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة وتنظيف بجدة ومكافحة الحشرات بالخبر وكشف تسربات المياه بالجبيل والقطيف والخبر والدمام شركة تنظيف بينبع شركة نقل عفش
    اهم شركات مكافحة حشرات بالخبر كذلك معرض اهم شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام والخبر والجبيل والخبر والاحساء والقطيف كذلك شركة رش حشرات بالدمام ومكافحة الحشرات بالخبر شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام
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  •شركة الصقر الدولي لنقل العفش والاثاث وخدمات التنظيف المنزليةشركة الصقر الدولي لنقل العفش والاثاث وخدمات التنظيف المنزليةشركة الصقر الدولي لنقل العفش والاثاث وخدمات التنظيف المنزلية

  •“>شركات نقل عفش واثاث بجدة”>شركات نقل عفش بالطائف“>اسعار وارقام شركات نقل العفش بالمدينة المنورة”>دينا نقل عفش جدة ,افضل دينا“>ارخص شركه نقل عفش بجده”>دليل شركات نقل العفش بجدة“>شركة نقل عفش برابغ ,15 عام خبرة”>شركات نقل عفش واثاث بالباحه">وسائل نقل العفش بخميس مشيط



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